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News & Media

Podcasts are so fun!  I was on Daughterhood:  The Podcast with Roseanne Corcoran in June, 2024 in an episode called Traveling with Your Care Partner.  Check it out at


On May 29, NPR journalist and the host of podcast The Broad Experience, Ashley Milne-Tyte, interviewed and wrote about me in Next Avenue:  which was edited by the Star Tribune on June 20, 2024 and included in an article in The Good Life section called "Hire Out the Worrying and Hit the Road."  It's funny; although I used to be a journalist with the Twin Cities Courier newspaper many moons ago,  I forgot just how different a story can look in different newspapers!


The Elmbrook Rotary in Wisconsin partnered with the Alzheimer's Association to create this amazing club:  I was asked to participate in their meeting on May 21, 2024 by zoom.  Here is the You Tube recording:  Building Dementia Friendly Communities & Rotary



On Nov. 12, 2023 I presented "Hiring a Travel Companion/Aide:  All You Ned to Know" at the World on Wheels  on-line travel seminar.  I was thankful for the opportunity to provide advice to disabled travelers and their families, and to give them options for safe and comfortable travel! 


Extra!  Extra!  Associated Press reporter Terry Tang interviewed me about airports and my work with dementia travelers and the article was published Thurs., Aug. 31, 2023:  Check out the photos at the Phoenix Airport! The day after that I was interviewed live on Scripps News on the same topic.  Live TV is hard to do!  Then on Sept. 6, an MPRNews article featured one of the AP photos of me atop an interview of my DFAWG colleague Sara Barsel:   

Finally, on Sept. 26 I was interviewed on Streamyard by Dr. Carol Sargent, head of Sargent Group Consulting and an expert in British dementia-friendly holidaying:   We recognized World Tourism Day and Alzheimers Month together!



I had the privilege of speaking at Travelability's Emerging Markets Summit on Aug. 18, 2023 in Savannah.  

I was part of the InnovatAble program and enjoyed my weekend learning about disability travel and what the hospitality and airline industries are doing to accommodate travelers. I met the best people, including influencer Cory Lee!


I was recently mentioned in the class notes of the Mitchell Hamline newsletter!




Here is an updated article about me in the local Sun Sailor!

View Sun Sailor Article


I have been chosen by AARP Minnesota and PollenMidwest as one of the 50 most accomplished and inspiring Minnesotans over the age of 50!  The award is a great honor, and I am humbled to be among some great individuals who are "shattering myths about aging and changing their communities for the better."

My thanks to Sarah Barsel of DFAWG for nominating me in the business category.  Join me for the celebration on Oct. 25, 2022 at:



My article, "Adding Color to Life:  Why and How to Travel with Persons with Disabilities" was featured in the MAGiC Journal (Minnesota Association of Guardians and Conservators) this summer. As a longtime member of the association and associate editor of the Journal, I was happy to contribute!  See the Summer edition, 7-2022, volume 33. 


I was selected as CHAMPION of the Eden Prairie Chamber of Commerce's first-annual Entrepreneur's Challenge, a Shark Tank-like showcase on May 21, 2022. My business pitch for Senior Travel Companion Services was selected by three celebrity judges to take home the grand prize amongst amongst 6 other finalists that afternoon.


I had fun, as always with Ted Field, Realtor with Senior Services on his podcast.  Here is the blurb:


Tuesdays with Ted - Senior Travel Companion Services

Tuesdays with Ted - A spotlight on services for seniors. 4/5/2022 - Today we visit with Carol Giuliani with Senior Travel Companion Services.


On Nov. 14, 2021 I appeared on Access to
Democracy, a local TV show hosted by Allen Miller. 
Watch my comprehensive interview at:


I was featured in the Minneapolis StarTribune on May 30/Memorial Day, 2021:  "Her Job:  Helping elders to travel"
by Neal St. Anthony in the Business section.

...and again on May 5, 2021:  "Easing airport anxiety  How a simple badge is making flying more manageable for travelers with hidden disabilities." by Kevyn Burger in the Variety section.  This is about the Sunflower Lanyards:

Nicole Christina of ZestfulAging had me on air for a comprehensive podcast interview on July, 17, 2021. 
Listen in at

As a volunteer member of the Dementia-Friendly Airports Working Group (DFAWG), I participated in

Lori La Bey's Alzheimer's Speaks radio show about the work we are doing to improve the airport

experience for people with hidden disabilities such as Dementia, Autism and PTSD. We are proud to have achieved several successes, including the adoption of the Sunflower Lanyard program by MSP and distribution of our National Shift Brief.

Here is the link to the show:

and the you tube:   


The show was available on Nov. 19, 2020.

Finally, many of my Travel Tips on this website were incorporated into the Resources for Travel on the org's website:


If you missed me on "Living Healthy and Aging Well" with Ken Haglind, June 6, 2020 live on AM950, you can hear our conversation at

It was a fun show and we covered a lot of ground, including traveling during this Covid crisis.



My most comprehensive interview yet!  Jerry Winans and I discussed trips and tips during my Travel Like a Pro! Summit 2020  segment entitled Customizing Travel Planning for Older Travelers on April 7, 2020.  Jerry put together 26 travel experts at this virtual online conference to talk about how to travel safely, affordably and adventurously.  Go to for more information.



On Sept. 9, 2019, I was interviewed on Channel 5 News in Minneapolis, discussing my business and how  I tackle the challenges faced by senior travelers with cognitive disabilities. The news segment focused on the  Dementia Friendly Airports Working Group (DFAWG), a consortium of individuals seeking to identify and remedy issues folks with dementia and their carers face when traveling by air. I've been an active member of DFAWG for a year.  Click on to see me at my messy desk!



After my trip to Ireland in June, 2017, I was interviewed by Stephanie Abrams, host of Travel 411 about my adventures.  She made many recommendations for the trip and you can hear all about it at  which went on air on July 1.



Shawn Perry host of  WCBY's The Senior Zone program (1340 AM) interviewed me on June 26, 2017 and introduced me to the seniors of the Washington, D.C. area.  No wonder I am so popular on the East coast!



In June, 2017 I was featured in the Southwest Metro Magazine, with a photo on the contents page and an extensive article.  See it at



On Dec. 5, 2016 Sue Webber wrote and article Published in the Sun Surrent/ Sun Sailor which went out to many of the metro communities.  Check it out at:



 I was interviewed by Lori La Bey for her Alzheimer's Speaks radio program.  Lori is a Purple Angel Ambassador and was honored by Maria Shriver as an Architect of Change.  Her program has been recognized as the #1 influencer online for Alzheimer's by Sharecare and Dr. Oz.  We had a fun conversation! You can  tune in at:



An article entitled "Bringing Families Together For Life's Big Events"  featuring yours truly and STCS was published on 1/31/17 in the Eden Prairie Magazine:  My thanks to Nancy Renneke for her excellent writing:



An article I wrote in Dec. 2016 with Holly Hanson of Bright Star Care called Worry Free Winter Travel for Seniors! appeared in the Eden Prairie Newspaper and is on the Eden Prairie Professionals In Aging (EPPIA) website.  



On Jan. 20, 2017 I was  featured on the Aging Boomers podcast which appears on iHeart radio, Spreaker, and on their app.  Thank you Frank Samson and Kathy Quimby-Johnson of Senior Care Authority. Here is the link:

I follow a Sam Adams beer commercial.  Please quaff one and have a listen!



I was featured in the Eden Prairie Lifestyle Magazine in June, 2017.  In that article, my colleagues Maria Maldonado of and Sheryl Hill from and I discussed adventure travel opportunities and safety concerns. 



I am pleased to announce that  Senior Travel Companion Services, LLC was granted  National Women's Business Enterprise Certification on Oct. 24, 2017 by the Women's Business Enterprise National CounciI. 


I was also certified as a Travel Hero by Depart Smart on May 9, 2018  and was interviewed  on stage at their Annual Gala on May 17, 2018 at the Golden Valley Country Club.  Check out this fabulous non-profit at



So thank you to all of you who follow me, and let me know where you want to see me next!







Contact Carol Giuliani:


(612) 310-7401 (Mobile/Text)

(952) 946-7997 (Landline)


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